
I've found a MySQL database that contains all the driver info I need in my app, and I've managed to build a query for obtaining drivers and their teammates, whose results I've exported to a CSV file I can later use to model all the driver nodes and define relations between them in my Neo4j database.

Amy Dutton
Niiice!! Sounds like you’re making some great progress!
  • I've managed to set up Neo4j Community Edition database, install the official desktop app, and connect it to the DBMS.
  • I've imported all the necessary driver and team data, and of course defined relations between drivers and teams.
  • I've learned the basics of the Cypher query language used by Neo4j and built a couple of queries for some of my app's planned features

Today was a super busy day IRL, so I took it easy and settled on the obligatory graph display features I'd like to ship. These are:

  • Teammates of a specific driver
  • Drivers who were teammates in a specific team
  • The shortest path between two drivers
  • All the possible paths between two drivers
  • Yolo it and display the entire graph with 858 nodes and 5337 links between them
  • Made some slight adjustments to my data by removing drivers who have never had a teammate and by merging certain constructor entries and thus eliminating redundant links between some drivers
  • Decided to roll with an Astro project instead of Nuxt that's going to use Vis.js to visualise all my node graphs
Amy Dutton
What do you think about Astro? ... I'm using it for my project, too.
Maciej Pędzich
I've used it plenty of times for SSG and SSR sites alike, and I think it's a versatile framework for more content-focused and/or less interactive projects out there. I consider my project to be the latter in particular. PS. Yes, the Astro team aims to introduce more features for the more interaction-heavy apps out there such as the client-side router supporting the View Transitions API, but I'm not aware of it being supported in Firefox as we speak.
Amy Dutton
I was on a panel with Ben Holmes and one of the most interesting use cases he saw with someone with someone using Astro was wrapping their SPA application. They leveraged all the static side pieces for marketing pages and then the wrapper still allowed them to do all the app heavy work. I'm _really_ looking forward to Redwood's RSC implementation. Until then, I've thought about trying to see if I could get Astro to wrap Redwood. 🤔